In 2016, "Denta plus" became the first and only clinic in Bulgaria certified for working with the Myobrace™ trainer system.

"Denta plus" doctors and assistants have atended multiple training courses in the training centres of  Myofunctional research™  in the Netherlands and USA. They have access to the Myobrce Activities App and place it at the patients’ disposal. They have enough experience in the Мyobrace™ Trainer System treatment and have achieved proven results which you may see below.


The trainer system includes a series of trainers /silicone appliances/ and exercises for the chewing and speech muscles, as well as training on proper nutrition.

Trainers actively align the teeth and position the jaws, by:

  • Teaching the tongue to stay in the correct position in the upper jaw
  • Assisting and correcting the wrong patterns of swallowing which lead to teeth crowding
  • Teaching the patient on nose breathing which is extremely important for the children face development, general health and well-being.

The Myobrace™ trainer system is designed so as to apply very low forces on the crooked teeth - wearing Myobrace™ leads to front teeth straightening and dental arch expansion. All this improves face development while removing the harmful effect of poor habits on the growth of your child.









whom is the MYOBRACE™ system appropriate for?


Myobrace™ for kids


ортодонтски деформации при деца


The Myobrace system is appropriate for a wide range of orthodontic problems and is applicable for all ages. Treatment is most efficient and fast in children between 3 and 18 years of age, but the optimum age is from 5 up to 15 years due to the patient compliance.




 Myobrace™ for adults


ордодонтски деформации при възрастни



A lot of adults have teeth improperly aligned and would go through orthodontic treatment.

However, most of these patients do not want to wear braces.

Myofunctional Research /MRC/ has developed trainers for improving teeth alignment and face development in children by using myofunctional orthodontic techniques for more than 20 years.

In reply to the increasing demand, the new system MYOBRACE™ FOR ADULTS has been designed. It is designed to correct the orthodontic problems by participating in the treatment of myofunction causes while aligning the teeth.

Treatment of malocclusions in adults requires active involvement of the patient, monthly visits to the clinic and patience as regards the results which are usually observed after 8 months or even a year of treatment. In addition, exercises for the speech and chewing muscles are made for 2 to 5 minutes every day.

How does it work?

The appliance is made with the perfect shape of  dental arch so as to assist its natural development by applying low forces on the front teeth.

The bumpers extending to the lips relax the hyperactive muscles around the mouth and assist in aligning the lower front teeth.

The palatal attachment (tongue tag) trains the tongue to stay in the proper position which, in its turn, indirectly expands the upper jaw arch.


All Myobrace trainers must  be worn 1 hour a day plus over night while sleeping.




proven results

Case 1

A 10-year old boy with a deep bite, breathing through the mouth and incorrect swallowing. After a year and a half, parents were very pleased with the result. So were we.



Лечение с трейнер системата Myobrace™ - резултат след година и половина
Лечение с трейнер системата Myobrace™ - резултат след година и половина



Case 2


A 13-year old girl. She came after a consultation with an orthodontist who has offered her treatment with braces. She said that she does not want to look like a crocodile for whole two years. She was so ambitious that she aligned her teeth herself for only 6 months by wearing the splint 4 hours a day plus the whole night.






резултат от лечението с Myobrace™ само след 6 месеца

Case 3


A 14-year old super-cooperative and complying patient. She and her parents knew very well what braces were since her brother had passed through this and the result was rather unsatisfactory. They immediately embraced the idea of Myobrace because they looked for another possibility for teeth straightening. Very soon after the start of treatment with Myobrace, her friends have told her: “You know, your teeth are really straightening".




резултат от лечението с Myobrace™ само след 7 месеца

Case 4


A 9-year old girl with  Down syndrome. Her parents have made a number of consultations with a lot of orthodontists in Sofia, but none of them would start a treatment because of the Down syndrome. It took some time for us to gain her trust, but the good results deserve the efforts. We continued with the Myobrace and Talk-tools therapy. Her teeth are already at the right place, so is the jaw; now we have to assist the teeth eruption and growth and to make insignificant corrections to rotated teeth.




Момиче на 9 години със СД . Родителите и бяха провели доста консултации със редица столични ортдонти и нито един от тях не беше поискал да започне лечение с нея заради състоянието Синдром на Даун . Отне ни време да спечелим доверието  и но добрите  резултати си заслужават усилията . Продължаваме със Myobrace и Tolk-tools терапията . Зъбите вече са си на мястото челюстта също остава асистенция на растежа и поникването  и съвсем малки корекции на завъртяните зъби .

Case 5


A 11-year old girl having the Down syndrome. Exceptional patient! She would give anything to be beautiful. But teeth alignment  also helps proper eating and speaking. The result is very good. The treatment continues.








Резултат от лечението с Myobrace на дете със синдром на Даун



Case 6


A 7-year old child. She came in the right time and after two weeks, her teeth took the right place. It is very easy just to assist the teeth  eruption and growth. Everything becomes easy.



Дете на 7 години . Дойде в точното време и за две седмици зъбите и си отидоха на мястото . Много е лесно когато просто асистираме растежа и поникването на зъбите .Всичко става с лекота